Frequently Asked Questions

• What flours do you use?

Sweet Treats Menu: (cakes, muffins, cookies, brownies)

Sweet potato, bread fruit, cassava and split pea flour.

Savoury Menu: (Breads and pizza crusts)

Split pea flour and Tapioca Starch.

• Are you dairy-free?

Yes. As a milk substitute, we use almond milk for all of our products except our pizza crusts.

• Are you nut-free?

Yes and No. All of our products except our pizza crusts contain nut milk.

• Are you egg-free?

Yes and No. All of our products contain eggs except our pizza crusts.

• Are you grain-free?

Yes and No. For our cakes, muffins, brownies and cookies (except our oatmeal cookies) we use grain-free flours as well as a special grain-free baking powder. However, if this grain-free baking powder is not available we substitute it with a regular gluten-free baking powder that contains traces of cornstarch.

Our bread and pizzas contain traces of corn from xanthan gum and baking powder.

• Are you corn-free?

Yes and No. We do not use any corn-based products in our cakes, muffins, cookies or brownies. However, traces of corn will be found in the xanthan gum and baking powder which we use for our bread and pizza crusts.

• Are you soy-free?

No. We use soybean in most of our products. The exception is our cookies.

• Is your bread yeast-free?

No. We do use yeast in our bread and pizza crusts.

• Are you sugar-free?

No. We use sugar in all of our products.

• Do you use psyllium husk?

Yes and No. We DO NOT use it in our cakes, muffins, cookies or brownies, but we use it in our bread and pizza crusts.